Category Archives: oneye

ACL management in oneye 0.8

ACL support has been greatly improved with the latest oneye SVN commits by s0600204. He has also written an excellent tutorial I’m going to post here, so you can all take advantage of it!

Before reading it, please consider these important notes:

  • Latest SVN commits have improved both the mechanisms and the GUI of ACL management. Having oneye SVN 7358 or subsequent is a requirement for all the procedures mentioned in the tutorial. You can find an howto about upgrading your oneye system to latest SVN here);
  • Setting wrong ACLs can damage your oneye system and make it unavailable. Please always back up your data and test your ACL modifications on a testing oneye installation before using it in production;
  • Normal users are not allowed to see and edit ACLs on an oneye system. So this tutorial is obviously targeted at oneye system administrators only;
  • This tutorial is a draft and maybe it will be modified in the future. Please always be sure to have latest version. Current version is: draft2 – 02/28/2012

Ready? Here you are the tutorials!
ACL management in oneye 0.8 [English]
ACL management in oneye 0.8 [French – translated by Sable]
ACL management in oneye 0.8 [Italian – translated by fasenderos]


Do you like fully featured development environments for user interface controls? oneye has always had one, but that’s just hidden in the darkness of our version control system.

That one has been developed by Jose Carlos Norte from the prior eyeos Team, nowadays CTO at eyeos Company. Let’s say it’s been a very good step, but didn’t continue any way sadly.

I personally (!) like to write UI code on my own, but I guess there are a lot around, that’d like to try it. You can now get more information on eyeDesigner and grab the original eyeDesigner installer package from its wiki page.

PS: Just hover the “Downloads” menu entry and take a closer look at translations, eyeSync or what ever you want.

I am “back up”…

There are two things developers need to care about while developing: Writing code and… backing up the current state of development. This is regularly done using code repositories in the networks (e.g. svn, git or csv). But you might not be as safe as you might think of right now. Let me explain what has happened to me last weekend.

What has happened…
Instead of others I am using a local svn server – just on the same disk as my development repository. Normally this is just fine and I back up things each month, but this month the was some chaos, ’cause of the movement to another city. Everything worked fine and I planned to backup things on Monday. But just on Saturday my MSI notebook just crashed (seems TortoiseSVN did some crazy things…). As every Windows user I just rebootet and… and… and… cry! No more partitions available.

Finally my solution ended in…
Downloading demo of the recovery live cd from and checking for lost files through the file recovery application. This allowed me to get back files smaller than 65kb. Sadly the oneye 0.9 files aren’t necessarily smaller than 65kb, so I just needed to create a disk image on an external drive.
Later I could download and install Active@ File Recovery (“Standard” costs about 25€) to read such disk images and get back my data.

I am back up…
During the next days I will probably go and create a first video showing some UI elements of oneye 0.9 and maybe even some things in the background. What’d you like to see?